After I had Kaleigh there were a group of women from my church, who were meeting for a playgroup, once every other week (I think - it was a long time ago and I can't remember with baby brain), we had a great time, but it became increasingly difficult to meet once we all had so many children - some of us had 2 or 3 and a group of 6 moms well that's a lot of kids to let play together and keep track of, so we came up with coffee night. At first it was a good size group 6 or 8 moms. We had a blast, a few have moved away and we have added some here and there. Courtney (standing directly to my left) has been doing it since the beginning. I met her through the nursery committee at church when Jordan was one and Diana (all the way to the right) I've known since Jordan was about 3 months when we met in the cry room at church. Meghan I met through Courtney and Diana, these women are AWESOME, for a long time our friend Jean (who I miss terribly - she's moved to Boston) was coming before Meghan and I thought no one will replace Jean, we've had some deep conversations, but Meghan is amazing. All of these women are we can talk about some very deep and Godly issues to the most mundane of topics. We go to this coffee shop and we always close the place down, they are litterally politely kicking us out by putting up the chairs and sweeping around us. I love these women, they are my sisters in Christ and they are my balancing of part of still being a women, not just Wife, mother, sister, etc. I miss them when we don't get to meet and sometimes I wish we could meet more than once a month but sometimes like this last time it's been several just because our schedules have been crazy, and now both Courtney and I are about to have our fourth child (she is due 10 days before me and she looks incredible) so I know it will be a while before we can get together again, but I know that no matter how much time passes we just pick up where we left off and I'll always have a good laugh.
ditto everything you said, michelle! thanks for your friendship!
I hate to break it to you but you look GREAT too! It's fun to check our your page to see your belly growing. Looking forward to meeting the little man when we're back in a few months.
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