Thursday, June 26, 2008
Scrambling to get things done
So I'm scrambling and in panic mode, don't know why, I know the doctor will tell me that I will be induced sometime in the next week. I'm hoping it's not Friday, I just want to make it to July 1st. Trying to get some things accomplished, like Madison's room finished, curtains, rug, bedding etc. Moved her bed and some clothes in, she really likes her room. We can't begin getting the nursery ready for our little boy (sorry no name yet), until I move her completely out. (I know there is time since he will be sleeping in a bassinet for at least 2 months but, honestly can't see it getting done once he's here. Packing a bag, his clothes are so little, it's hard to imagine he will fit into them, it's like he will be a little doll (a little panicked that they made a mistake and he is actually a girl) and I have no idea what to pack for myself. Wanting my house to be a little clean (it's falling apart and I can't keep up) and doing the usual worrying about EVERYTHING. The kids are in dance worship camp in the morning, thank goodness they are having fun and my wonderful friend Donna is bringing them home (so I can rest of course.....which I'm not doing). I'm spending some time with Madison while getting stuff done, I'm most worried about her since she has no idea what's happening (the girls think the baby's coming home this week - trying to explain that it's not) and Michael's got some really great stuff going on at work, but very busy, it's weighing on me. I know I just need to continue to give it God and let him take my load, not doing such a good job, hence why I am posting at 4:45am. I know I will sleep better once I have a date and hopefully stop contracting as much as I am, I don't know how people go into labor on their own, it's nerve racking.
Monday, June 23, 2008

So Michael found the first picture on the Internet when we were searching for some kind of decoration to do in Madison's room (we never do anything simple). We were originally going to just frame some posters of shoes (Madison LOVES shoes), and then hang some shoes up on the wall on some small shelves, but he decided to really take it to the next level (because we have so much free time on our hands). However, after working on it almost every night for a solid week (it has to be at least 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide) this is what we have come up and I think it turned out pretty well. With the exceptions of curtains we are ready to move her into this room, hopefully this week.
Happy Birthday Jordan
Pictures for Father's Day
So Michael got to play golf for a day and a half with his Dad, so I took the girls to get one last picture of the four of us before the baby is born.
35 Weeks
OK So here I am at 35 weeks, feeling rather large, although apparently I have not gained a whole lot of weight in the past few weeks and the little guy is just LITTLE!
At 32 weeks the doctor's told me to start taking it easy, so what do I do, the complete opposite.
1. Hold a garage sale (need room for new baby's things).
2. Plant the garden in my front yard (it was looking kind of sparse - Michael was in Kansas City at the time.)
3. Empty out room for Madison (used to be Kaleigh's old room and then a play room)
4. Help paint mural for Madison's room.
5. Take pictures for father's day for Michael and Madison's first birthday a little late (will post later).
Hallelujah it's all done.
Computer Trouble
Been having some computer trouble lately and I can't stand it, I haven't been able to do anything for the past week or so because it's been so intermitten, not that I need to add another thing to my already stressed out plate.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Haivng some trouble with Pictues
Having some trouble with my computer and posting pictures, but I will try to get it fixed so I can do post some because we just had some really cute ones done for fathers day.
Last day of school
Yeah, the last day of school was Friday and we are looking forward to some time off, and hopefully sleeping in. Looking back I see so much of how Jordan has changed and I'm so excited for her, we were extremely blessed to have the teachers she had this past year. What an answer to prayers. She has really benefited from the teachers that she has had and their loving ways. Now I need to continue praying for her 2nd grade teacher so that she receives the best teacher possible to help continue to grow my daughter to become an amazing young lady.
Kaleigh's prayer
"Dear God thank you for this day, thank you for what you have given us, and please God help me with my behavior so I don't act so bad sometimes.. Amen"
I'm guessing she's tired of being in so much trouble some days.
I'm guessing she's tired of being in so much trouble some days.
Conversation between Michael and Jordan at the dinner table
"Daddy I love you" (random out of nowhere - happens a lot)
"I love you too Jordan"
"Daddy, do you love me when your mad?"
"I will always love you, even when I don't like the things that you do."
"Like God, he loves us no matter what"
"Yes, God always loves us no matter how much we sin and make mistakes, he still loves us just like I love all you and I forgive you when you make a mistake."
Few minutes of silence iwth deep thought
"I'm glad."
Every once in a while she comes out with some good ones that realy touch my heart, because I know she is listening to what we are saying.
"I love you too Jordan"
"Daddy, do you love me when your mad?"
"I will always love you, even when I don't like the things that you do."
"Like God, he loves us no matter what"
"Yes, God always loves us no matter how much we sin and make mistakes, he still loves us just like I love all you and I forgive you when you make a mistake."
Few minutes of silence iwth deep thought
"I'm glad."
Every once in a while she comes out with some good ones that realy touch my heart, because I know she is listening to what we are saying.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Good Day
Today was a good day, very well balanced which never happens in our house, it's either too much play (not often enough) or too much chores, errands, get stuff done. Today was a good mix, after I fed everyone breakfast Kaleigh, Madison and I took Jordan to the bus stop and went on a nice walk to enjoy the beautiful weather this morning. Of course it took a lot out of me to walk that half a mile, but the girls had fun, then we hung outside for a while before we came inside to do some chores (make beds, clean up, etc.). After that grabbed a snack for everyone and set out to get the car inspected, it was up this month and was waiting for the early morning rush to pass. Got back threw some laundry on and put Madison down for an early nap (normal time is 1:00 today it was 11:30 because we had to be at Jordan's school at 1:45). While Madison took a nap, Kaleigh and I did the dishes together (she actually likes this chore, once she gets the dishes away, she likes to wash the ones in the sink - likes to play with water). After the dishes were done, we sat down to wrap Jordan's birthday present and make father's day cards for the grandfathers. (Really it's a way to get in some writing and reading). That took about an hour we had lunch, then threw in some more laundry. Madison woke up around 1:30 gave her a quick lunch and headed for Jordan's school, where we visited her FLAT STANLEY museum - very cute. After we picked up Jordan went to do some errands, shopping for father's day stuff, gas up the van (this kills me every time), and the post office to mail our cards. Got home in time for dinner (already prepared) and then got to play outside until it was time for bed. All in all a good day with a good balance. Wish I could say all the days could be this way. Got time alone with Kaleigh (some times she gets the short end of the stick because of Madison and chores) and still got to spend fun time with all the kids. Now that Jordan's last day is Friday I hope I get to spend a little more alone time with them before this little guy comes and all chaos breaks loose. Next weeks challenge, finding the right activities for each child and still squeezing in 4 doctor's appointments and finishing up Madison's room to move her in before the baby comes.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Coffee Night

After I had Kaleigh there were a group of women from my church, who were meeting for a playgroup, once every other week (I think - it was a long time ago and I can't remember with baby brain), we had a great time, but it became increasingly difficult to meet once we all had so many children - some of us had 2 or 3 and a group of 6 moms well that's a lot of kids to let play together and keep track of, so we came up with coffee night. At first it was a good size group 6 or 8 moms. We had a blast, a few have moved away and we have added some here and there. Courtney (standing directly to my left) has been doing it since the beginning. I met her through the nursery committee at church when Jordan was one and Diana (all the way to the right) I've known since Jordan was about 3 months when we met in the cry room at church. Meghan I met through Courtney and Diana, these women are AWESOME, for a long time our friend Jean (who I miss terribly - she's moved to Boston) was coming before Meghan and I thought no one will replace Jean, we've had some deep conversations, but Meghan is amazing. All of these women are we can talk about some very deep and Godly issues to the most mundane of topics. We go to this coffee shop and we always close the place down, they are litterally politely kicking us out by putting up the chairs and sweeping around us. I love these women, they are my sisters in Christ and they are my balancing of part of still being a women, not just Wife, mother, sister, etc. I miss them when we don't get to meet and sometimes I wish we could meet more than once a month but sometimes like this last time it's been several just because our schedules have been crazy, and now both Courtney and I are about to have our fourth child (she is due 10 days before me and she looks incredible) so I know it will be a while before we can get together again, but I know that no matter how much time passes we just pick up where we left off and I'll always have a good laugh.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I really like these pictures
I keep forgetting how big a heart this child has. In my exhaustion and hormonal days I just forget how much she puts out there of herself. I worry about her heart because she is so sensitive to everything, she loves whole heartily, some times to her own detriment. Her moods can be like tornadoes calm and peaceful before the funnel and forceful and destructive after it's touched down. It can be exhausting for us but I forget it can be exhausting for her too. She loves on so many levels. As you can see she even loves our dog. If it weren't for me and Jordan the dog would have been gone a long time ago, because while Kaleigh, Madison and Michael like the dog, (OK maybe like is a stretch for Kaleigh - how about tolerate) they certainly could be very happy without the dog. I know it would really hurt Jordan and if the dog went to another family, she is ours and she will be part of this family for as long as she is alive. So the compassion that my daughter has for the smallest of things is truly an amazing gift.
Pig Tales
This is the first time I was able to put pig tales in Madison's hair. Though it took some convincing she finally left them in for a short while I was able to take a quick picture. The girls just think she's a baby doll, they fuss with her worse than I do. She also has a mouth full of teeth, it's incredible how fast she is growing up.
Some cute pics
We took the kids to a strawberry festival on Memorial Day weekend and it was a lot of fun. There was lots to do there, hay rides, face painting, horse back riding, petting zoo, games and of course food. The kids had a great time and though we didn't actually get to pick strawberries, we purchased them there and ate through them in lightening speed. They were delicious. Sorry I didn't get pictures of that, we ate through the small bunch so quickly. Nothing like fresh fruit.

32 Weeks and No photos
OK so I am 32 weeks pregnant, sorry I didn't take a picture, not that I didn't want to I just haven't had the time. We had a garage sale, not so great (not tragic did get rid of a lot of toys). Feeling very sluggish, hormonal and tired. Had a sonogram done last Thursday, the little guy is doing great (except he doesn't have a name) he's weighing in at 3lbs 6oz and still there are 6 - 8 weeks left to go. I am ready to be able to breathe again and roll over from one side at night to the other without the huge belly in front of me and having to rearrange some small pillows. It could be worse I could not be sleeping at all so I better be grateful I am at least doing that. Praise God. Other than that, we are doing well, getting swallowed up by chores that need to be done before baby comes and balancing that with spending fun time with the kids before baby comes so no one gets shirked. Lord please help us have the strength. Will keep you posted.
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Baby Ticker has been removed
Ticker has been removed due to arrival of baby on July 1 at 1:15 AM.