Friday, February 29, 2008
Too Funny
I'm packing for my retreat and I ask Kaleigh "Can you help me pack my toiletries?" She says "sure" stops and takes a few minutes to think and then asks "Mom do you need to take your toilet with you on your retreat?" I just forget how literal they are..
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Funny Pictures
Madison went into the closet, pulled out Michael's shoes and
asked for help to get into them, it was hysterical, she was
just so proud of herself once she had them on.
Good Days and Bad
So pregnancy hormones are just ugly, add that to lack of sleep and a very testy 4 year old... your in for a bad combination. Thank you God that you are so forgiving and that my 4 year old no matter how much trouble she gets in, still wants me to snuggle and love her. I'm getting ready to go to a ladies retreat for the weekend which I know I will enjoy but I know I will still miss them...even if it's only for a few minutes a day...
Monday, February 25, 2008
My Birthday
So here I am celebrating another birthday, I won't tell you which one because I truly do not want to count them anymore. I realize how important they are to my family and how truly
special my husband makes me feel on my birthday. He really puts a lot of effort into leaving
me notes every where and trying to make me a special dinner. The kids love to have cake
and sing happy birthday, even Madison got into it with a big smile. I realize age is only a number
and I am so blessed to have the family that I have including the new baby (yes this is me at 18
weeks 3 days pregnant). A friend of mine is adopting a baby and to read her words of discovery and love for this child she has prayed for and has only been able to meet at (16 months) for 3 weeks is truly amazing. It makes me realize and appreciate how fortunate I am to be a mom, even on the days when I am exhausted (which are many) and worn out that it is such a short time that we have with them. If I live to be 70 or 80 I'll have only given up a short time to spend with them while they are little. I pray every day that I could help them become these incredible young women, some days I see peeks of it with their words or actions and others I'm just too caught up in the daily routine to notice. But I know that they won't always want to fight for who gets to sit on my lap or see the love they have for each other. I know my time is short with them being small and even though some days it seems forever, I know I will miss those days when they are gone. I know how fortunate I am to have a husband who still adores me, even after being together for 11 years. That he wants to spoil me and love me unconditionally, Thank You God for my family, thank you that you have given me a love I never knew possible.
Girl Scouts Think Day
Think Day is a big Girl Scout event where all the troops in our area come together and display
a country and facts that they learned about. This having been our first year, we didn't do too bad. We picked Thailand, and the words Mae Nam mean river in Thai. This is our booth, plus we made a thai desert of oranges (clementines) and simple syrup with rose water. Interesting you either like it or you don't.

These are 4 of the 7 girls I have in our troop. I co-lead with another mom and you would think that having 2 grown women to seven 6 year olds would really be enough and yet, somehow they over take us every time. It really helps me to appreciate my Jordan's behavior and the teachers who take care of these children on a daily basis.
a country and facts that they learned about. This having been our first year, we didn't do too bad. We picked Thailand, and the words Mae Nam mean river in Thai. This is our booth, plus we made a thai desert of oranges (clementines) and simple syrup with rose water. Interesting you either like it or you don't.
These are 4 of the 7 girls I have in our troop. I co-lead with another mom and you would think that having 2 grown women to seven 6 year olds would really be enough and yet, somehow they over take us every time. It really helps me to appreciate my Jordan's behavior and the teachers who take care of these children on a daily basis.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Feeling pretty miserable
So I have again hurt my back, I did the same thing last summer and it took forever to heal, I hope it doesn't take forever this time, but I'm hoping to recover soon. I also feel like I'm coming
down with something, so the combination is not good, because I can't fight off any virus if I can't take deep breaths because my back hurts, this is no fun. Thank goodness my parents were here
this weekend to actually help me and Michael with the kids.
down with something, so the combination is not good, because I can't fight off any virus if I can't take deep breaths because my back hurts, this is no fun. Thank goodness my parents were here
this weekend to actually help me and Michael with the kids.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
We're not so into the exaggeration of Valentine's
Day celebration but we do like to do a few fun
things, like paint crafts for our loved ones and of course
making chocolate covered straweberries, an absolute
must on Valentine's Day.
I don't like the whole idea of spending oodles of money on flowers
or jewelery I got mad at Michael one year for spending a
fortune on flowers, to which he has never bought me red roses on
Valentine's day again. However, he brings me flowers
all the time, sometimes he can just tell I'm having a
bad day and he'll just show up with a boquet.
So for us Valentine's is not about roses, candy and flowers, but
having fun together making special crafts and havinge fun
making special foods.
Then of course I have to remind the girls that God tells
us to love one another every day not just Valentine's Day.
I'm glad they get it.
getting so big and beautiful, it kills me
every day.
Kaleigh always in a dress or skirt and headband. She's such a girl.

Our smiley drooly sweet pea.
One of our last date pictures
Michael's holiday party for his company and we had
a great time. Anytime the two of us have time together
without the kids is always cherrished.
Fun Pics
is to sit inside our magazine rack. Can't tell you why, but she
insists on pulling out all the magazines and climbing in.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Getting By
So now that the shock of being pregnant has passed I'm not feeling too bad, I'm just about at that 16 week mark where you start to feel pretty good. I have to say though I'm pretty tired, by the
end of the day my body is ready to plop. Most days I struggle out of bed at 6:30 but feel pretty good in the swing of things by 7:30. However, here in lies the deceit, because I feel good I think I can keep up my pace, you would have thought I would have learned by now that trying to squeeze in that last errand would cause me damage. Most days the girls are great they allow me to rest for half and hour so around 3:00 when Madison takes her second nap, which then allows me to function again and get through dinner and bedtime. But the days I don't rest, like today, Preschool, Girl Scout meeting (including errands before hand to prepare for meeting) getting home at 4:15, wiped and exhausted make dinner, to which Michael leaves at 6:30 to go to TFM at church, leaving me to homework, baths and bed time routines. So by 8:15 the bed is calling my name!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll have a time to rest.
end of the day my body is ready to plop. Most days I struggle out of bed at 6:30 but feel pretty good in the swing of things by 7:30. However, here in lies the deceit, because I feel good I think I can keep up my pace, you would have thought I would have learned by now that trying to squeeze in that last errand would cause me damage. Most days the girls are great they allow me to rest for half and hour so around 3:00 when Madison takes her second nap, which then allows me to function again and get through dinner and bedtime. But the days I don't rest, like today, Preschool, Girl Scout meeting (including errands before hand to prepare for meeting) getting home at 4:15, wiped and exhausted make dinner, to which Michael leaves at 6:30 to go to TFM at church, leaving me to homework, baths and bed time routines. So by 8:15 the bed is calling my name!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll have a time to rest.
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Baby Ticker has been removed
Ticker has been removed due to arrival of baby on July 1 at 1:15 AM.