Friday, August 31, 2007

Ballet Week

This week the girls got to go to ballet camp and had a blast. They loved it and they looked so cute, I didn't realize how much they would enjoy it and how much they missed doing it after taking a year off from doing it because of my pregnancy and Madison's birth. We'll just have to see how the rest of the year goes with ballet and tap.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Movies

I got to see a movie!! Yeah! I love going to the movies although I have to confess I hate parting with money to see a lousy one, not to mention if it's not clean, but my friend Diana invited me to a movie and it was good! We went to see Becoming Jane, about Jane Austen the author,total chick flick. Thanks Diana for inviting me and thanks Michael for staying with the kids so I could have a great night out with my friend for some much needed me time.

My nephew came for a visit - it was too short

My nephew came for a visit with my parents it was too short a visit and I missed
seeing him. He was so much fun and the girls love having their cousin around, just
a glimpse of the energy that would have been in our house had we had a boy. So

I'm trying to learn to crawl

Hope this works. Click on video to see Madion try to crawl.

It's been reigning princesses in our house lately

Dress up is a favorite in our house except for Jordan, she lasts all of 5 minutes and only if Kaleigh initiates it, but Kaleigh LOVES to dress up. She has been wearing her tiara out of the house every day for the pass month. We get all kinds of looks and comments. A waitress in the
restaurant told her she loved her tiara and that she had one just like it at home. I know it's only a phase but it is so darn cute.

August 13 - Happy Birthday Michael

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband a girl could ever have. You give so much and ask for so little, thanks for being my spouse. I love the man and father God is making you.

Baby Ticker has been removed

Ticker has been removed due to arrival of baby on July 1 at 1:15 AM.