Monday, July 30, 2007
6 Months Old
I'm Madison and I'm 6 months old. I have an opinion about everything. I love to take a bath and splash my mommy or daddy. I love eating, applesauce, bananas and pears are my favorite. I really don't like peas, it's not a green vegetable thing, because I like green beans, I just don't like the taste of them. The spitting up thing is kind of yucky though, but it doesn't bother me much. I think it bothers my mommy and daddy more than it bothers me, something about hating to change me three times a day and laundry piles..... I don't know.
I sit by myself and I can reach for thing that are close by and balance my self fairly well. I have developed a temper or so I have been told, I hear my mom say something about crocodile tears and screaming like a banshee. All I know is that I don't like to sit in dirty diapers and when I'm hungry lookout you better feed me quick or you will hear the wrath of my scream.
I love my mommy and daddy and those sisters of mine are a hoot, that Kaleigh though, she's a little rough, I know she likes to give me hugs and kisses but sometimes she squeezes too much.
I have one tooth already in my mouth and another one coming through, I don't know what my parents are complaining sleep, they're not the one in pain at two in the morning. Try feeling that throbbing when you're trying to sleep. Sometimes I just call them to come in and turn me over because I get stuck on my belly in the middle of the night but my head is heavy I can't lift all of me over just yet and they need the exercise. I love that they always come to my rescue. I can't wait until I can get my whole body off the floor.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I'm speechless
where she was with a group of teens who ministered to children who's families live
in a dump. Literally, the town is a dumping ground and their "job" is to pick through
the trash to see what the family can sell and that is how they live. This team of young
people who could not speak Portuguese but had to try to communicate in anyway they could, went to show these children the love of Christ. They took them to a camp, where
they helped them get clean and brush their teeth for the first time...ever. I was shocked
to say that these children lived in poverty was an understatement. As I listened to them
speak and saw the pictures of the faces of children that were lit up from having someone care about them, letting them play at the pool and playing games with them and most of all
praying with them, showing them God's love, just tore at my heart. One of her final
words was that when they invited the parents to come and visit the children on the last day
of camp a mother told her I feel like my child is a child of someone important, to which she
said of course they are, and so are you. It broke my heart. I can't even imagine.
I have lived my life in two of the most affluent areas of the country, sometimes I feel a little
sick when all I see are BMW's, Lexus, Mercedes and every luxury car known to man driving
down our street and a McMansion around every corner. I know I am blessed and sometimes I know I get caught up in my own little world of worries (truly the enemy picking away at me) but I know with out a doubt God is sovereign. All I have is my gratitude for all the things that I have been blessed with, Thank you God for the life you have given me.
"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world.1 Samuel 2:7-9 "
My friend Mike Meyers Web Site he is a missionary in Brazil.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Our Annual Trip to NY
Jordan "Can you leave me some room on the towel please!"
Kaleigh "This hot dog doesn't have enough ketchup."
Bella " UUUMMMM this corn is good!"
Thank goodness Papa's lap is big enough for all three. Too bad Yael (my nephew) isn't here. What's going to happen when Madison get's bigger?
Yes there is a sleeping Jordan under those books
Monkey Bars
Happy 6th Birthday - Jordan - 6/20/01
To think only 10 more years until your driving. That's not long enough!
Mini Vacation
Jordan learning the fine art of basketball.
Kaleigh really wanted her hair in a wrap but I refused to pay $3 an inch so Michele my sister in-law did for free, fortunately Kaleigh had to sit still for a long period. Kaleigh never sits still if she does she falls asleep from exhaustion, that would be my energizer bunny. At least she got in a 45 minute nap.